MiSide Wiki

The Mitas are the primary inhabitants of the game world shown in MiSide. They serve as the primary characters with whom the player will interact during their playthrough.


Each version of the game posses a different form of Mita. For every one made from a version, a new duplicate of that Mita, as well as a room for her, is created.

All Mitas posses a few common traits, chiefly light skin, dark indigo eyes, and blue hair. Most (but not all) Mitas appear to be young women, typically wearing a blue skirt, a long-sleeved red crop top along with silver blue heels.

Dummy State

Main article: Dummy Mita

Mitas are created from a common base which looks similar to a mannequin or a featureless doll. Before they are given their skin, flesh, blood, bone and personality, and for a short time after, they will lack consciousness and self awareness, needing to be kept in a dark place for a period of time to adjust.

Chibi Projection

Main article: Chibis

List of Mitas


Mita full MiSideKindMitaRender MiSideCappieRender MiSideBrokenMitaRender MiSideShortHairedMitaRender MiSideGhostlyMitaRender MiSideSleepyMitaRender Full 2D Mita MiSideMilaRender MiSideUglyMitaRender MiSideCoreMitaRender




  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Mentioned in the conversation with Short-haired Mita.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Long-legged Mita is the one you see in the game, while Wandering Mita is the one mentioned by Kind Mita. MakenCat refers to them as two different characters (длинноногая Мита and скитающейся Миты) in the Corruptor2037's Document 1.
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